Why are batteries so important in smoke alarms?

Family First smoke alarms

Why are batteries so important in smoke alarms?


Do I need to maintain my smoke alarm? Why do I have to change the battery so regularly?


Yes! We explain why:

Replace batteries in smoke alarms regularly – at least once a year. Whether you own 240V or a 9V models, both types include batteries and need regular maintenance.

Having a smoke detector is great, but it has to be working. Only working smoke alarms save lives, and for them to work they need charged batteries.

Research has found that over 50% of installed basic smoke detectors do not have batteries inserted. This can be a fatal mistake in case of a fire as there will be no warning and people put their lives at risk.

We recommend our photoelectric smoke alarm with a built-in 10-year lithium battery. It will last for 10 years so you do not have to worry about replacing the battery every year.
Do you keep forgetting to check your smoke alarms and change their batteries? You can subscribe for helpful regular reminders.